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.Les frais de livraison sont calculés en fonction du poids de votre commande

Delivery charges are calculated based on the weight of your order

VAT is excluded for countries outside Europe.

Your order may be subject to import duties and taxes (including VAT). I am not responsible for these charges if they are applied and are your responsibility as the customer.

Les délais de fabrications peuvent aller jusqu'à 6 semaines actuellement. Je fais vraiment mon possible pour réduire l'attente... Je vous remercie pour votre patience!

Manufacturing times can currently go up to 6 weeks. I'm really doing my best to reduce the wait ... Thank you for your patience!

.En validant votre commande, vous acceptez les CGV ainsi que la politique de confidentialité

By validating your order, you accept the general conditions of sale as well as the confidentiality policy



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